Earth Sciences Report 1977-03

Author(s) Date 1977-12-31

The Alberta Research Council; the Geological Survey of Canada (Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa); the Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture; and the Resource Capability Group, Alberta Energy and Natural Resources are the principal agencies involved in systematically mapping the geology, soils, bedrock topography, and hydrogeology of Alberta. This index outlines the currently available map coverage of the province published by these agencies, and attempts to provide easy reference to that coverage.

The index does not include maps published prior to 1924, for in many cases older maps have been superseded by more recent, more accurate versions. Similarly, maps published after 1924 that have been replaced by more recent publications were deleted, except where the later map is out of print or published at a significantly different scale. Also, a number of maps showing special aspects of outcrop or subsurface bedrock geology, associated in most cases with petroleum exploration or mineral resource studies, have been omitted; information on these maps and related material is available from the Energy Resources Conservation Board (Calgary, Alberta), the Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists (Calgary, Alberta), and the indexes of various journals.

The Geological Survey of Canada has published six sheets covering Alberta and adjacent areas which provide a comprehensive index to bedrock and surficial geology maps of Alberta available from the Survey. The index sheets are numbered 72, 73, 74, 82, 83, and 84 and can be obtained, together with other information on geological maps and reports published by the Geological Survey of Canada from the Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology (Calgary). For further information on geological, groundwater, bedrock topography, and detailed soils maps and reports published by the Alberta Research Council (Publications, Edmonton). A free List of Publications is available on request.

Place Keywords

Root, J.D. (1978): Index to geological, bedrock topography, soils, and groundwater maps of Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1977-03, 70 p.