Information Series 038

Author(s) Date 1961-12-31

Canada is on the eve of becoming the world's second largest producer of elemental sulphur, mainly on the impetus of sulphur produced in Alberta. For many years the United States held a commanding lead in the production of sulphur, but in recent years Mexico and France became significant sulphur producers. Canada is now stepping into the spotlight as well.In Alberta, where the major developments in sulphur production are occurring, few are aware of the significance and importance attached to this imminent development, due, in part, to a dearth of published information on this subject. Whatever information is available is scattered throughout various periodicals and newspaper articles. The Research Council of Alberta sponsored this study in an effort to provide a consolidated source of information on the Alberta sulphur industry. How much sulphur will be produced? Where will Alberta sulphur find a market? What are the marketing problems? Are there extraordinary circumstances that surround Alberta sulphur production? The writer hopes that some of the answers to these and other questions concerned with the Alberta sulphur industry will be found in the pages to follow.

Theme Keywords

Brese, W.G. (1962): An analysis of the sulphur industry in Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Information Series 38, 76 p.