Digital Data 2022-0006
Author(s) | Date | 2022-10-19 |
This raster dataset is a 30 m grid used for producing version 2 of the Relative Landslide Susceptibility Model of the Alberta Plains and Shield Regions. It represents the degree to which terrain can be affected by landslides based on a statistical procedure that establishes the relationship between the spatial distribution of past landslides and predisposing geological, topographic, and climatic factors. This raster dataset updates and refines the landslide susceptibility portrayed in AGS Digital Data 2016-0044 by: (a) using more detailed topographic information derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) DEM data; and (b) incorporating new landslide locations that were compiled from multiple data sources including high-resolution multi-temporal satellite imagery and satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data, used for monitoring ground deformation. The version 2 dataset also provides a more accurate prediction of where future landslides or landslide reactivations are likely to occur because the susceptibility rating is based on the spatial distribution of historically active landslides, rather than a mixture of active and relict landslides.
The spatial distribution of landslide susceptibility across the Alberta Plains is contained in the raster dataset as a probability that ranges from 0 to 1 (very low to very high). It is intended to be used for educational purposes and regional-scale planning initiatives. Importantly, the model evaluates where landslides are more likely to occur, but it does not evaluate when they are likely to occur. The model also does not evaluate the magnitude or impact of any potential landslide activity. Consequently, the model results should not be interpreted for the purpose of site-specific landslide identification, landslide activity assessment, or landslide hazard appraisal.
The prediction of landslide susceptibility has been performed across the Alberta portion of the Interior Plains and Canadian Shield. The evaluation methodology does not assess the effect of significantly folded and faulted bedrock structure, and therefore does not include the mountains and foothills physiographic regions, where bedrock structure is the main geological control on landslide susceptibility. While bedrock structure within the Canadian Shield is complex, it is not considered a significant geological control on landslide susceptibility due to the high strength of bedrock in that region; therefore, the region has been included in the model.
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Pawley, S.M., Chowdhury, S., Hartman, G.M.D., Chao, D.K., Samsonov, S.V. and Shipman, T.C. (2022): Relative landslide susceptibility model of the Alberta Plains and Shield regions, version 2 (gridded data, GeoTIFF format); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2022-0006.