Open File Report 1971-04

Author(s) Date 1970-12-31

The chemical, physical and mineralogical specifications of many industrial sand products are outlined in this report. Most of the specifications concern high purity silica sand used as a raw material for the manufacture of glass, silicon carbide, and soluble silicates for the chemical industry, and for molding sand, hydraulic fracturing sand and filter sand. Quality requirements for sand of lesser purity used for special purposes such as sandblasting, abrasives, and building products also are given. The specifications were obtained from consultants, plant operators, and sand producers across Canada, and from published works on the subject.

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Somayajulu, Y.P. and Anderson, K.O. (1971): Analysis of soil cement mix design; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Open File Report 1971-04, 68 p.