Open File Report 1994-18

Author(s) Date 1994-02-28


In order to evaluate the potential for Mississippi valley-type Pb-Zn mineralization in Northeastern Alberta, over 11500' (3500m) of core from 50 wells was examined at the ERCB Core Research Center (Calgary, Alberta). Emphasis was placed on the major Carbonate formations within the study area, the Winnipegosis (Keg River) formation, the Beaverhill lake (Waterways) formation, as well as the Cooking Lake and Grosmont formations of the Woodbend Group. An additional 10 wells were examined from outside the study area, primarily from Northwestern Alberta, in order to examine previously reported sub-surface Pb-Zn occurrences.

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Turner, W.R. and McPhee, D. (1994): Analysis of paleozoic core data for the evaluation of potential Pb-Zn mineralization in northeastern Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1994-18, 140 p.