Open File Report 2013-15
Author(s) | Date | 2013-09-11 |
This report documents micro to moderate earthquakes located in Alberta during the period from September 2006 through December 2010. Our catalogue incorporates seismic waveform data from the Canadian Rockies and Alberta Network, the Alberta Telemetered Seismograph Network, the Canadian National Seismograph Network, the Montana Regional Seismic Network, and the United States Array Reference Network.
The analyses were performed using the proprietary Antelope environmental monitoring software package (by Boulder Real Time Technology). Most of the recorded earthquakes in Alberta occur along the southeast-trending foreland belt on the eastern flank of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
We confirm the spatially clustered earthquakes that have been observed in past studies in Brazeau River, Rocky Mountain House, and Turner Valley. We document that the Brazeau River cluster persists during the time period of this study, whereas the Rocky Mountain House and Turner Valley regions have experienced a decrease in the number of recorded events. We also note a persistent but diffuse cluster of events, termed the Del Bonita cluster, near the Alberta-Montana border.
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Stern, V.H., Schultz, R.J., Shen, L., Gu, Y.J. and Eaton, D.W. (2013): Alberta earthquake catalogue, version 1.0: September 2006 through December 2010; Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Open File Report 2013-15, 29 p.