Report 02
Author(s) | Date | 1921-02-21 |
The mineral resources of Alberta were described in a preliminary manner in the first geological report, published by the Provincial Legislative Assembly in 1919. The occurrences, determined extent, and available data already published on various minerals in the province were referred to and summarized.
In 1920 nearly five months were given to investigations in the field. Two months were spent in the northern part of the province. During this time the salt well was visited at McMurray, and the drilling records were examined and correlated. The bituminous sands formations in the McMurray district were studied, and all of the exposures of bituminous sand were mapped down the Athabasca River. The geological section was continued to the northern boundary of the province on the 60th parallel of latitude, close to Fort Smith.
A survey was made of the salt spring deposits twenty-five miles west of Fort Smith. These springs occur in both Alberta and the Northwest Territory.
A reconnaissance survey was made of the undeveloped Kootenay coal basin near the headwaters of the Highwood and Sheep rivers, where H.A. Ford and his associates in the Highwood Valley, and have carried out considerable prospecting by P. Burns Coal Mining Company in the valley of Sheep river.
A general survey was also made of the coal measures along the Alberta Coal branch and the Brazeau, but the geology is complex and considerable time is required to determine the structure of the measures in detail. The age of the coal seams along the coal branch has not yet been determined.
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Allan, J.A. (1921): Second annual report on the mineral resources of Alberta, 1920; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Report 02, 150 p.