Open File Report 1989-12

Author(s) Date 1988-12-31

This map describes the soil resources of an area within the Fishing Lake Metis Settlement. This area is part of a block within the Province where the soils have not been previously mapped. This block covers township 57 and the southern third of township 58, ranges 1-10 west of the 4th meridian. The soil resources to the north and south of this map sheet are described in the soil survey of the Sand River Area (73L), (Kocaoglu 1975) and in the soil survey of Wainwright and Vermilion Sheets (Wyatt et al. 1944), respectively. The soils for the area west of this map are described on the Frog Lake Indian Reserve soils map (Brierley and Nikiforuk 1989).

Field work for the soil survey of the Fishing Lake Metis Settlement was conducted in July 1988. Initial delineations were drawn from interpretations of aerial photographs. Traverses were made along roads, trails and seismic lines in order to describe the soils and landscapes of these delineated areas. Some lines were altered and the soil map units were determined and documented, based on field observations. In the mapped portion of the Metis Settlement, 73 soil inspections were made.

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Brierley, J.A. and Nikiforuk, W.L. (1989): Soils of the Fishing Lake Metis Settlement, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1989-12, 1 p.