A Risk-Based Methodology for Commingled Well Abandonment - Southeastern Alberta Gas Field Case Study Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2019-06 Updated: | Lemay, T.G., Singh, A., Parks, K., Wiersma, A., Palombi, D., Babakhani, M., Berhane, H., Hathway, B., Vermeulen, P., Marsman, A. | |
Regional Stratigraphic Correlation and 3D Geological Modelling of West-Central Alberta Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2019-04 Updated: | Corlett, H., Playter, T.L., Babakhani, M., Hathway, B., Peterson, J.T., MacCormack, K.E. | |
Measured Outcrop Section T13-R9W4-01 of the Foremost and Oldman Formations (Belly River Group), Suffield Area, South Saskatchewan River Valley, Southeastern Alberta (NTS 72L/03) Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2011-06 Updated: | Hathway, B., Banks, C.J., Hay, D.C., Mei, S. | |
Measured Outcrop Section T27-R17W4-01 of the Bearpaw and Horseshoe Canyon Formations, Dorothy, Red Deer River Valley, Southern Alberta (NTS 72P/08) Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2011-07 Updated: | Hathway, B., Banks, C.J., Hay, D.C., Prior, G.J., Mei, S., Chen, D., Weiss, J.A. | |
Tops of the Horseshoe Canyon, Wapiti and Battle Formations in the West-Central Alberta Plains: Subsurface Stratigraphic Picks and Modelled Surface Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2011-08 Updated: | Hathway, B. | |
Measured Outcrop Sections T2-R6W4-01 and T2-R6W4-02 of the Foremost and Oldman Formations (Belly River Group), Pinhorn Provincial Grazing Reserve, Milk River Valley, Southeastern Alberta (NTS 72E/02) Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2011-03 Updated: | Hathway, B., Banks, C.J., Hay, D.C., Prior, G.J. | |
Measured Outcrop Section T17-R3W4-01 of the Foremost, Oldman and Dinosaur Park Formations (Belly River Group), White Rock Coulee, South Saskatchewan River Valley, Southeastern Alberta (NTS 72L/08) Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2011-04 Updated: | Hathway, B., Banks, C.J., Hay, D.C. | |
Measured Outcrop Section T21-R10W4-01 of the Oldman and Dinosaur Park Formations (Belly River Group), Dinosaur Provincial Park Area, Red Deer River Valley, Southeastern Alberta (NTS 72L/14) Type: Open File Report Publication ID: OFR 2011-02 Updated: | Hathway, B., Prior, G.J. | |
Geochemical, Mineralogical and Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Electron Microprobe Data from Silts, Heavy Mineral Concentrates and Waters from National Geochemical Reconnaissance Stream Sediment and Water Surveys in the Northeastern and Southern Clear Hills Type: Special Report Publication ID: SPE 097 Updated: | McCurdy, M.W., Prior, G.J., Day, S.J.A., Weiss, J.A., Friske, P.W.B., Pawlowicz, J.G., McNeil, R.J., Hathway, B., Wilson, R.S., Goulet, D.E. | |
Regional-scale Modelling of the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity Surface in Northern and Central Alberta: Elevation, Subcrop Zero-edge Delineation, and Paleotopographic Reconstruction Type: Poster Publication ID: PRS 2016-002 Updated: | Peterson, J.T., Hauck, T.E., Hathway, B., MacCormack, K.E. | |