For descriptions of all our report-type publication series, visit our Report Series Descriptions page. Search Publication ID Publication Type - Any -Alberta Table of FormationBulletinDataEarth Sciences NoteEarth Sciences ReportEconomic Geology ReportGeo-NoteInformation SeriesInteractive App or MapJournalMapMemoirModelOpen File ReportPosterPresentationReportShort CourseSpecial ReportShowing 3 of 3Publication NameAuthor(s)Published DateAthabasca Oil Sands Database; McMurray/Wabiskaw DepositType: Open File ReportPublication ID: OFR 1994-14Updated: Sep 18, 2024Download (PDF)Wynne, D.A., Attalla, M., Berezniuk, T., Berhane, H., Brulotte, M., Cotterill, D.K., Strobl, R.S., Wightman, D.M.Jun 14, 1994Athabasca Oil Sands Data McMurray/Wabiskaw Oil Sands Deposit - Electronic DataType: Special ReportPublication ID: SPE 006Updated: Sep 18, 2024Download (ZIP)Wynne, D.A., Attalla, M., Berezniuk, T., Brulotte, M., Cotterill, D.K., Strobl, R., Wightman, D.Dec 31, 2001Annotated Core Descriptions and Geophysical Logs from the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands Areas, Alberta (digital data, various formats)Type: DataPublication ID: DIG 2020-0003Updated: Sep 18, 2024Download (ZIP)Hein, F.J., Cotterill, D.K., Rice, R.J., Berhane, H., Strobl, R., Wightman, D., Attalla, M., Duggan, J.Mar 8, 2020