Chapter 11 Table Oil Production from the Beaverhill Lake Group

View Table 11.3a as an image.

The Beaverhill Lake Group has been a major source of oil production in western Canada since 1956, primarily from the Swan Hills reefs of central Alberta. Additional oil production occurs in the Slave Point of north-central Alberta and from scattered small pools in northwest Alberta. There is no Beaverhill Lake oil production in British Columbia or in Saskatchewan.

There are fifteen Beaverhill Lake oil fields with Initial Established Recoverable Oil Reserves of over 1 x 106 m3 (6 MMBbls). The ten largest Beaverhill Lake oil fields, listed in order of Initial Established Recoverable Oil Reserves are shown in Table 1. Cumulative production data include to the end of 1990.

Table 1. Ten Largest Beaverhill Lake Oil Fields (in units of 106m3).

Initial Established
No. Field Formation No. of Pools Marketable Reserves In-place Volume Cumulative Production Discovery Year
1 Swan Hills Swan Hills 5 148.1 389.1 112.6 1957
2 Judy Creek Swan Hills 4 75.7 169.4 61.3 1959
3 Swan Hills S Swan Hills 1 67.5 134.8 56.2 1959
4 Virginia Hills Swan Hills 4 28.3 46.5 22.2 1956
5 Carson Creek N Swan Hills 1 27.5 60.2 23.2 1958
6 Kaybob Beaverhill L 2 20.1 45.6 17.0 1957
7 Stripe Lake Beaverhill L 2 12.4 31.2 9.0 1962
8 Goose River Beaverhill L 2 8.9 21.2 6.7 1963
9 Slave Slave Point 16 3.5 13.1 1.5 1980
10 Ante Creek Swan Hills 2 3.4 7.6 2.6 1962

Nine of these largest Beaverhill Lake oil fields occur in the Swan Hills Member reefs of central Alberta. Other major oil fields such as Slave, Red Earth, Gift, Evi and Sawn Lake are found in the Slave Point of north central Alberta and result from drape over pre-Slave Point structures. Recent Beaverhill Lake oil discoveries have included Gift, Slave and Sawn Lake. All Beaverhill Lake oil fields contain light to medium gravity oil .

Total recoverable oil reserves m the Beaverhill Lake are estimated at 409 x 106m3 of which 322 x 106m3 have already been produced. Initial Established In-Place Volume of Beaverhill Lake oil reserves totals 1052 x 106m3. There are 165 Beaverhill Lake oil pools, with average recoverable oil reserves of 2479 x 103m3/pool. Table 2 lists the distribution of Beaverhill Lake oil reserves according to In-Place Pool Size.

Table 2. Size Distribution of Beaverhill Lake Oil Pools (in units of 106m3).

In-Place Pool Size Class No. of Pools Recoverable Reserves Cumulative Production
less than 0.1 29 0.17 0.06
0.1 to 1 101 3.41 10.6
1.0 to 10 23 15.81 9.58
10.0 to 100 9 148.82 115.15
over 100 3 240.86 196.70
Total 165 409.07 x 106m3 322.56 x 106m3