Table 13.35b

Chapter 13 Table Gas Production from the Wabamun Group

View Table 13.35b as an image.

Gas production from the Wabamun Group is primarily derived from Crossfield Member stratigraphic traps in southern Alberta, structural traps in the foothills and from unconformity edge traps in east-central Alberta.

There are nineteen Wabamun gas fields with Initial Established Marketable Gas Reserves of over 1000 x 106m3 (35 BCF), 17 in Alberta and 2 in British Columbia. The ten largest Wabamun gas fields, listed in order of Initial Established Marketable gas reserves, are shown in Table 1. Cumulative production totals include Alberta and British Columbia data released to December 31, 1990.

Table 1. Ten Largest Wabamun Gas Fields (in units of 106m3).

Initial Established
No.FieldFormationNo. of PoolsMarketable ReservesIn-place VolumeCumulative ProductionDiscovery Year
3Crossfield ECrossfield212,45034,42410,2541959
4Lone Pine CreekCrossfield39,06716,5006,7951954
5Pine CreekWabamun48,30314,8736,4981955
8GarringtonWab'n sol'n35,80010,5884,5361951

Four of these ten largest Wabamun gas fields occur m Crossfield Member stratigraphic traps and result from updip porosity pinchout due to increasing anhydrite content. The Limestone and Waterton fields occur in structural traps m the foothills. The Parkland field is in northeastern B.C. Many smaller Wabamun gas fields are present along the eroded Wabamun unconformity edge m eastern Alberta.

Total recoverable gas reserves in the Wabamun Group are estimated at 102.8 x 109m3 of which 53.5 x 109m3 (i e. 52%) have already been produced. Initial Established In-Place Volume of Wabamun gas reserves totals 260.6 x 109m3. There are a total of 338 Wabamun gas pools, with an average 304 x 106m3 recoverable gas reserves/pool. Table 2 lists the distribution of Wabamun gas reserves according to In-Place Pool Size.

Table 2. Size Distribution of Wabamun Gas Pools (in units of 106m3).

In-Place Pool Size ClassNo. of PoolsRecoverable ReservesCumulative Production
1.0 to 10288531
10 to 1001623,818627
100 to 100012225,6845,739
1000 to 100002127,16814,515
over 10000546,09332,544
Total338102,848 x 106m353,456 x 106m3