Table 10.3b

Chapter 10 Table Gas Production from the Elk Point Group

View Table 10.3b as an image.

Gas production from the Elk Point Group is primarily derived from reefs in northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta. There are eighteen Elk Point gas fields with Initial Established Marketable Gas Reserves of over 1000 x 106m3 (35 BCF). The ten largest Elk Point gas fields, listed in order of Initial Established Marketable gas reserves, are shown in Table 1. Cumulative production data include totals released to the end of 1990.

Table 1. Ten Largest Elk point Gas Fields (in units of 106m3).

Initial Established
No.FieldFormationNo. of PoolsMarketable ReservesIn-place VolumeCumulative ProductionDiscovery Year
1YoyoPine Point145,94451,10433,6251962
2SierraPine Point530,86440,80323,5491965
3RainbowKeg River13115,76132,1187,9031965
5Beaver RiverNahanni15,1187,3124,9961961
6ZamaKeg River2344,6768,2084641953
7Rainbow SouthKeg River634,2129,3161,4801965
8KluaPine Point53,9445,1665701973
9ShekilieKeg River882,9225,2442091968

From Table 1, the two largest fields occur along The Middle Devonian reef edge flanking the Otter Park Shale Basin in northeastern British Columbia. Major gas production from the Elk Point is also present in the Gilwood at Mitsue and Nipisi and in the Keg River pinnacles in the Rainbow, Zama and Rainbow South basins.

Total recoverable gas reserves in the Elk Point are estimated at 142.7 x 109m3, of which 79.4 x 109m3 have already been produced. Initial Established In-Place Volume of Elk Point gas reserves totals 214.3 x 109m3. There are 896 Elk Point gas pools, with an average 159 x 106m3 recoverable gas reserves/pool.

Much of the Elk Point gas production is from small pools, such as are found in the Zama field. Table 2 lists the distribution of Elk Point gas reserves according to In-Place Pool Size

Table 2. Size Distribution of Elk Point Gas pools (in units of 106m3)

In-Place Pool Size ClassNo. of PoolsRecoverable ReservesCumulative Production
1.0 to 1012238543
10 to 10063112,9211,559
100 to 100011417,8984,561
1000 to 100002642,20325,533
over 10000369,33747,761
Total896142,745 x 106m379,458 x 106m3