Data Donors

The original databases upon which the atlas database is founded were generously made available to the Atlas project at no charge. These included electronic databases of subsurface stratigraphic information and voluminous lithological data banks. The contribution of all the data donors and their liaison representatives is most gratefully acknowledged. Without their magnanimous in-kind donations, the Atlas Database could not have been constructed and Atlas mapping could not have been attempted.

Subsurface Stratigraphic Data

  • Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
  • Saskatchewan Geological Survey
    • Liaison representatives - Bob Troyer, Douglas Paterson
  • Manitoba
    British Columbia
    Northwest Territories
    Chevron Canada Resources Limited
    Liaison representatives - Andy Kadylo, Dave Organ
    based on original data files from Digitech Information Services Ltd. Liaison
    representative - Stephen Kenny

Subsurface Lithological Data

Canadian Stratigraphic Services Ltd.

Liaison representatives - Katy Ma, Roy Nishizaki, through the good offices of Home Oil Company Ltd.

Liaison representarives - Bob Clay, George Fong

Supplemental Data

Additional data sets for special applications in the Atlas were donated by a number of parties, all of whom are thanked.

Geographic index data, used in the final digital drafting of Atlas maps and other graphics - Auto-trol Technology
Liaison representatives - Greg Jonassen, Stephanie Armitage

Palinspastic restorations and Cordilleran deformation limits, used in Atlas slice chapters to extend the mapping into the deformed belt - Shell Canada Limited.
Compilers - Bob McMechan, Peter Fermor

Alberta Geological Survey Coal Database, used for shallow subsurface stratigraphic control in Alberta.
Liaison representatives - Greg Mandryk, Rick Richardson

Oil and gas field data, used in Chapter 32 and in all Atlas field outline maps - Geological Survey of Canada and Digitech Information Services Ltd.
Compiled by Peter Hay - Lithomaps Ltd.
Liaison representatives - Roger Macqueen, P.J. Lee (GSC); Stephen Kenny (Digitech)

New subsurface stratigraphic data were furnished by virtually all of the chapter teams, on a slice-specific basis. These enormously important verifications/corrections of the original data are credited in the various slice chapters. Two parties provided voluminous additional data sets beyond any specific slice responsibilities. These data were utilized in Atlas mapping for virtually the entire Phanerozoic succession in Saskatchewan - Jim Christopher, consultant to the Saskatchewan Geological Survey; and Manitoba - Ruth Bezys,Manitoba Energy and Mines.

The cooperative willingness to provide specialized data, although never taken up by the project, is also acknowledged in the cases of hydrogeological data - The Canadian Institute for Formation Evaluation Ltd. (Steven Misner) - and petroleum pool data - QC Data Collectors (Ray Kivimaki).