Table 14.32b3

Chapter 14 Table Gas Production from the Debolt/Elkton

View Table 14.32b3 as an image.

Gas production from the Debolt Formation and Elkton Member is concentrated along porous wedge edges from southern through to northern Alberta, as well as in northeast B.C. and in the foothills disturbed belt. Included are fields producing from the Turner Valley, Debolt, Livingstone and Mt. Head formations and the overlying Stoddart Group. There is no gas production from this zone in Saskatchewan.

There are 55 Debolt/Elkton gas fields with Initial Established Marketable Gas Reserves of over 1000 x 106m3 (35 BCF). The ten largest Debolt/Elkton gas fields, listed in order of Initial Established Marketable gas reserves, are shown in Table 1. Cumulative production data for Alberta and British Columbia are updated to the end of 1990.

Table 1. Ten Largest Debolt/Elkton Gas Fields (in units of 106m3).

Initial Established
No.FieldStratigraphic UnitNo. of PoolsMarketable ReservesIn-place VolumeCumulative ProductionDiscovery Year
2Jumping Pound WRundle/TV552,70177,21526,6451960
5Brazeau RiverElkton-Shunda236,80049,63826,5831959
6Harmattan EastRundle/TV329,89442,49016,9361954
10Wildcat HillsRundle/Livingstone122,00029,41116,7561958

The Waterton, Jumping Pound West and Wildcat Hills gas fields occur in structural traps in the foothills disturbed belt of southern and central Alberta. The remaining seven are located at porous wedge edges within the Stoddart to Elkton interval.

Total recoverable gas reserves in the Debolt/Elkton are estimated at 499.0 x 109m3, of which 233.0 x 109m3 (i.e. 47%) have already been produced. Initial Established In-Place Volume of Debolt/Elkton gas reserves totals 956.8 x 109m3. There are a total of 409 Debolt/Elkton gas pools, with an average 120 x 106m3 recoverable gas reserves/pool Table 2 lists the distribution of Debolt/Elkton gas reserves according to In-Place Pool Size.

Table 2. Size Distribution of Debolt/Elkton Gas Pools (in units of 106m3).

In-Place Pool Size ClassNo. of PoolsRecoverable ReservesCumulative Production
1.0 to 1014499
10 to 1001244,039614
100 to 100019041,8198,620
1000 to 100006295,53525,016
over 1000019357,555198,694
Total409498,996 x 106m3232,953 x 106m3