Table 12.3a

Chapter 12 Table Oil Production from the Woodbend Group

View Table 12.3a as an image.

The first major oil discovery in Western Canada was made in the Woodbend Group at Leduc in 1947, and heralded extensive exploration and further oil discoveries in D-3 reefs of south-central Alberta. Woodbend oil production has been concentrated along the Rimbey-Meadowbrook Reef Trend, along the Clive-Bashaw D-3 Reef Complex, and in west-central Alberta in the Sturgeon Lake - Simonette - Windfall areas. No oil is produced from Woodbend Group rocks m British Columbia or Saskatchewan.

There are 26 Woodbend oil fields with Initial Established Recoverable Oil Reserves of over 1 x 106m3 (6 MMBbls). The ten largest Woodbend oil fields, listed in order of Initial Established Recoverable oil reserves, are shown in Table 1. Cumulative production data are updated for Alberta to the end of 1990.

Table 1. Ten Largest Woodbend Oil Fields (in units of 106m3).

Initial Established
No.FieldFormationNo. of PoolsMarketable ReservesIn-place VolumeCumulative ProductionDiscovery Year
2Bonnie GlenLeduc184.7125.080.91951
3Wizard LakeLeduc257.867.252.11951
5Golden SpikeLeduc330.751.328.71948
6Sturgeon Lake SLeduc528.551.523.41953


All of these ten largest Woodbend oil fields occur m D-3 reefs of south central Alberta. Note that most of these fields are close to depletion, reflecting the fact that they were discovered over 40 years ago. All oil fields of Woodbend age contain light to medium gravity oil.

Total recoverable oil reserves m the Woodbend are estimated at 491 x 106m3, of which 460 x 106m3 (i.e. over 93%) have already been produced. Initial Established In-Place Volume of Woodbend oil reserves totals 818 x 106m3. There are 161 Woodbend oil pools, with average recoverable oil reserves of 3054 x 103m3/pool.

Table 2 lists the distribution of Woodbend oil reserves according to In-Place Pool Size.

Table 2. Size Distribution of Woodbend Oil Pools (in units of 106m3).

In-Place Pool Size ClassNo. of PoolsRecoverable ReservesCumulative Production
less than 0.1180.100.05
0.1 to 11008.675.56
1.0 to 102936.2631.43
10.0 to 10012233.92215.67
over 1002212.70207.10
Total161491.66 x 106m3459.81 x 106m3