The Wainwright area lies within the east-central Alberta Plains, a relatively flat, glaciated area underlain by gentle dipping detrital strata of Late Cretaceous age. In most parts of the area, bedrock is overlain by till, as ground or hummocky moraine, the most common type of surficial deposit. Till, in turn, is overlain in many places by glaciofluvial and lacustrine deposits, aeolian sands, and thin patches of recent alluvial and lacustrine sediments. Examination of the glacial deposits and landforms suggest that they originated from large-scale downwasting and stagnation of the Keewatin ice-sheet, which advanced over the area during Pleistocene time. The glacial deposits are believed to be of Wisconsin age.
Bayrock, L.A. (1967): Surficial geology of the Wainwright area (east half), Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1967-04, 21 p.