Earth Sciences Report 2003-04
Author(s) | Date | 2003-08-31 |
Natural gas from coal (NGC) exploration in Alberta is increasing as new technology and economic factors combine to enhance the attractiveness of this unconventional gas resource. Ongoing research to asses the effect of NGC production on water resources, as well as evaluating and developing new technologies for water disposal. Alberta Environment maintains a database of all water wells drilled in the province. This database contains information on well completion details, sediment and rock types encountered during drilling, hydraulic testing of the aquifer, water chemistry and observations made during drilling. An important contribution of this study is a catalogue of aquifer tests undertaken in coal and sandstone aquifers.
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Lemay, T.G. (2003): Chemical and physical hydrogeology of coal, mixed coal-sandstone and sandstone aquifers from coal-bearing formations in the Alberta Plains region, Alberta; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Earth Sciences Report 2003-04, 389 p.