Open File Report 1957-01

Author(s) Date 1956-12-31

During the summer of 1957, preliminary investigation of the groundwater conditions of the Peace River district commenced. Particular emphasis was placed on helping communities who were having trouble locating an immediate groundwater supply.

For this reason, a detailed groundwater study was made in the immediate vicinity of Hines Creek, Alberta, which is located in Township 84, R.4, Sec.5 and 6 and Township 83, R 4, Sec.31 and 32, west of the sixth meridian. A groundwater supply would reduce considerably the expenditure in putting up a surface reservoir and a water treatment plant, which would be necessary for a corresponding surface supply. The survey was undertaken using air photograph analysis, electrical resistivity, seismic surveys. A test drilling program was carried out in the fall of 1957 to verify the results of the above mentioned investigations.

The source of groundwater in the Peace River district can be divided into two main types: 1) that derived from sands and gravels of Pleistocene and Recent deposits, and 2) that derived from bedrock aquifers of Cretaceous age.

Preliminary Results and Recommendations: The resistivity and seismic surveys in the Hines Creek area did not reveal any potential groundwater supplies in the Pleistocene and Recent deposits in the immediate vicinity of the town of Hines Creek. On the other hand, the bedrock aquifer, the Dunvegan Sandstone, contains water unsuitable for human consumption. The water is very high in sulphates and iron, and total yield of water is low.

However, if in the future the need for water in the town of Hines Creek becomes greater than it is at the present time, the following areas are suggested for a water well drilling program: 1) Sections 32 and 33, Twp.83, R.3, west of the 6th meridian. This is a Pleistocene sand and gravel terrace. A high capacity producing water well might be drilled here. This location is approximately 7 miles east of the town. Quality of water expected would be medium hard. 2) Sections 7, 8, 16, 17 and 18, Twp.83, R.4, west of the 6th meridian; Sections 13, 14 and 15, Twp.83, R.3, west of the 6th meridian. This area includes what is known locally as Little Prairie. This is a glacial outwash plain composed of sand and gravel varying in thickness on the average between 20 and 50 feet. This outwash plain is crossed by the Hines Creek. The area to the south of the Hines Creek has a greater water supply potential. This location is approximately 3 1/2 miles south of the town of Hines Creek. Quality of water expected would be medium hard to hard.

At the present time, these locations are not situated within an economical distance of the town. The cost of a drilling program, and especially that of laying a pipeline, would be prohibitive.

The Town of Hines Creek at the present time is planning to satisfy its water supply problem by utilizing surface water from Jack Creek north of town. This seems to be the best economical solution to the problem. Additional help and information will be willingly supplied by the Alberta Research Council.

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Jones, J.F. (1957): Groundwater conditions, Hines Creek, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Open File Report 1957-01, 10 p.