Open File Report 1977-02

Author(s) Date 1976-12-31

As an aid to urban planning, a detailed soil survey was conducted in the summer of 1976 in the vicinity of the hamlet of Bragg Creek, Alberta. The area is within the jurisdiction of the Calgary regional Planning Commission. Sixteen soil units were mapped as indicated in the map legend. These soils represent the Chernozemic , Luvisolic, Regosolic, Gleysolic and Organic orders in the Canadian System of soil classification.

Many of these soils present severe limitations for most urban uses due to such soil and topography characteristics as steep slopes, poor drainage, shallow depth to bedrock, gravelly textures or flooding hazards. Other soils have only slight to moderate limitations for most uses.

The area has low capability for agriculture, due to climate, soils and topography limitations and the better land is presently used only for forage crop production and pasture.

NTS Keywords

Scheelar, M.D. and Veauvy, C.F. (1977): Detailed soil survey of Bragg Creek area; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1977-02, 73 p.