Open File Report 1995-11
Author(s) | Date | 1996-01-30 |
This report presents the results of a small drilling program carried out in the Peace River region during March, 1995. Drilling was done with an auger rig and focused on collecting data from areas with thick glacial sediments. Core was collected from nine boreholes at eight sites (numbered PR95-1, PR95-2, PR95-3, PR95-5, PR95-7, PR95-8, PR95-9, and with the initial hole PR95-11 being abandoned and drilled at the same site as hole PR95-11A). The boreholes ranged in depth from 5.8 m to 45.1 m, and the core from each hole was initially lithologged in the field and then retained for further detailed study. Sample subsets were later taken from selected core intervals, and the samples were submitted for geochemical analysis and the recovery and study of diamond indicator minerals.
With respect to the stratigraphy encountered in the core from the eight sites, the three boreholes (PR95-1 to PR95-3) which were drilled northwest of Valleyview each have relatively thin overlying Wapiti Formation. At site Pr95-5, which is about 100 km north of Peace River, 33 m of glaciofluvial sediments exist. At site PR95-7, is about 50 km north of Peace River, about 26 m of till and glaciofluvial sediments overlie the Shaftesbury Formation. At sites PR95-8 and PR95-9, which are up to about 70 km northeasterly of Peace River, till and less amounts of glacial silt and clay that are up to more than 43 m thick, are present. Lastly, at site PR95-11, which is east-northeasterly of Peace River and about 30 km west of Red Earth, there is evidence of a buried weathered zone in the till, which indicates a possible earlier and separate depositional event.
Theme Keywords
Pawlowicz, J.G., Jean, G.M. and Fenton, M.M. (1996): Preliminary stratigraphic tests to support mineral exploration: northern Alberta; Alberta Energy, AE/AGS Open File Report 1995-11, 37 p.