Open File Report 2014-08

Alberta Geological Survey geologists and University of Alberta paleontologists visited several Waterways Formation outcrops on the Clearwater, Athabasca, and Firebag rivers during the summer field seasons of 2010 and 2011. Outcrops described include Firebag Member outcrops on the Athabasca and Firebag rivers, Calumet Member outcrops on the Clearwater River, and an outcrop containing the upper Calumet and the Christina members on the Athabasca River. The outcrop on the Firebag River had previously been attributed to the Slave Point Formation but, based on lithology, is more properly assigned to the Firebag Member of the Waterways Formation.

NTS Keywords

Schneider, C.L., Grobe, M., Leighton, L.R., Hein, F. and Forcino, F.L. (2014): Outcrops of the lower Waterways Formation (Firebag and Calumet members) on the Clearwater, Athabasca, and Firebag rivers, Alberta (NTS 74D, E); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Open File Report 2014-08, 34 p.