This report presents a methodology for reconstructing the topography of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity surface and creating a subcrop geological map, using picks of the tops of stratigraphic units and geostatistical analysis. It also presents a paleotopographic map and a subcrop geological map for an area in central Alberta near Edmonton, generated using this methodology.
The paleotopographic map depicts the relief and river valley networks of the paleo-ground surface represented by the sub-Cretaceous unconformity. The subcrop geological map defines subcropping areas and edges of the underlying Jurassic-to-Devonian stratigraphic units at the unconformity surface and provides more detail at a higher resolution than previously published maps. The map provides additional insight for assessing pathways of potential hydraulic communication between the Lower Mannville aquifer and aquifers of the underlying Jurassic to Middle Devonian succession.
Mei, S., Bechtel, D.J., Grobe, M. and Palombi, D. (2015): Paleotopographic reconstruction and subcrop geological mapping of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity in Central Alberta: methodology and results; Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Open File Report 2015-05, 15 p.