Traverses were made at 1 to 2 mile intervals with soil inspections made approximately every half mile along traverse lines in this reconnaissance soil survey. Aerial photographs and topographic maps (1:50 000) established soil and topographic boundaries. Four soils maps supplement this report showing the main topographic features and the location and extent of the individual soil areas.
The first sections of the report outline historical, natural resource and economic highlights of the area. This is followed by a discussion of the environmental aspects of the region and an evaluation of some trends in soil formation pertinent to the area. The report then outlines the system and methods used in soil mapping. Soils are described on the basis of soil groups. The final portion of the report outlines soil survey interpretations related to forest vegetation, agriculture, engineering and erosion hazards.
Four appendices follow the report: the first giving descriptions of the soil and pertinent analytical data, including a discussion of the actual analyses; the second discusses forest vegetation classification; the third presents the guidelines used for evaluating the soils for specific uses; and the fourth includes a glossary of commonly used soil, vegetation and geological terms, as well as an outline of the Canadian system of soil classification, 1978 edition.
Twardy, A.G. (1980): Soil survey and interpretations of the Wapiti map area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Bulletin 39, 100 p.