Reconnaissance soil survey of the Iosegun Lake area, Alberta

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
BUL 043
Publication ID Extended
Bulletin 043

Knapik, L.J. and Lindsay, J.D. (1983): Reconnaissance soil survey of the Iosegun Lake area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Bulletin 43, 103 p.


This report and accompanying soil maps describe the characteristics, distribution and use limitations of the soils in the Iosegun Lake area of Alberta (National Topographic Series Map Sheet 83K). As part of the program to inventory Alberta's land resources at a reconnaissance scale, this soil survey provides baseline data for general land use planning.

The soil landscapes of the area are described as components of the total environment. A brief treatment of the geology, history, climate and vegetation of the area is presented as background information to a general understanding of the landscape. The complete report consists of the written text and four soil maps. Soil units are identified on the map and are described briefly in the legend and at a greater length in the text in terms of the landscape and environments where they occur. Discussion on use and management of the soils is included. Ratings of soil suitability for agriculture, forestry and selected engineering uses are included. The inherent susceptibility of the soils to water erosion is discussed briefly, and the soils are rated for erosion hazard. Physical and chemical data to characterize specific soils are included in the appendix.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, iosegun lake
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
geology, landscape management, reconnaissance soil survey, soil surveys, soils, water erosion