This report describes and evaluates the aggregate resources in the Edmonton-Cold Lake-Lloydminster region, which produces about 40 per cent of the province's aggregate. The commercial sector produces 75 per cent of the aggregate, most of it directed into road construction (52 per cent), concrete production (18 per cent) or asphalt production (11 per cent).
A compilation of geological data indicates that 1100 million cubic metres of gravel and 3900 million cubic meters of sand occur in the region. Although this reserve seems ample, consumption estimates established in this study predict that more than 300 million cubic metres of gravel will be consumed by 2010. This 25 per cent depletion estimate does not take into consideration the loss of resource to alternative land uses.
The Edmonton metropolitan area is the largest market: firms based in the city account for 57 per cent of regional aggregate production. By 2010, over half of the most useful gravel supplies in the current area of supply may be consumed. In the Cold Lake area, coarse aggregate is not plentiful: any new projects requiring aggregate could rapidly deplete existing supplies. Although predictions need refinement by means of additional scientific and economic input, they nonetheless confirm that aggregate resources are dwindling rapidly.
Edwards, W.A.D., Hudson, R.N. and Scafe, D.W. (1985): Aggregate resources of the Edmonton/Lloydminster region; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Bulletin 47, 72 p.