Quaternary Geology of Southern Alberta - Areas modified by glacial lakes and streams, and lacustrine veneer (GIS data, polygon overlay features)

Publication Type
Surficial Geology
Publication ID
DIG 2007-0014
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2007-0014

This polygon dataset represents those parts of the ground surface modified by lake and stream erosion and deposition, as well as stagnation moraines covered by lacustrine sediment, as depicted in AGS Map 207, 'Quaternary Geology, Southern Alberta' (stippled and cross-hatched areas).

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, southern alberta
Place Keywords NTS
72e, 72l, 72m, 82g, 82h, 82i, 82j, 82o, 82p
Theme Keywords
erosion, geology, gis data, quaternary, quaternary geology, surficial geology