Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
DIG 2010-0008
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2010-0008
Alberta Geological Survey partnered with Alberta Environment (AENV) Northern Region to compile and analyze groundwater data in the Cold Lake-Beaver River Drainage Basin.
The compilation and analysis assisted AENV and its stakeholders to update the Beaver River-Cold Lake Water Management Plan. The project completed a digital, three-dimensional geological model of the area. This digital release contains the outlines of formation boundaries used in that report, specifically the boundaries for preglacial and glacial formations.
Place Keywords
alberta, beaver river, bonnyville, canada, cold lake, muriel lake, sand river
Place Keywords NTS
73e, 73l, 73m, 83i, 83p
Theme Keywords
geology, gis data, glacial, mapping, preglacial, water