This GIS dataset is a compilation of existing surficial map information for Alberta, edited for mapping continuity and generalized to make it suitable for presentation and use at 1:1,000,000 scale. It is the dataset used to create Alberta Geological Survey Map 601: Surficial Geology of Alberta. The data were prepared from an intermediate dataset (Alberta Geological Survey DIG 2013-0001), which was edgematched and then the boundaries between similar polygons were �dissolved.� The residual dataset was then generalized selectively using the Geological Survey of Canada�s GeoScaler software. We then added attributes describing the generalized polygons, including unit description, texture, genetic group, and geological age.
The data were created as an Esri file geodatabase feature class and exported for public distribution as an Esri shapefile called Surf1M_py_ll.shp. The layer file Surf1M_py_ll.lyr is also included for the convenience of Esri software users (version 9.2).