Surficial Geology of the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor (GIS data, line features)

Publication Type
Surficial Geology
Publication ID
DIG 2016-0014
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2016-0014

This GIS dataset portrays the distribution of glacial landforms within the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor area, based on the compilation of existing government survey mapping and research literature, supplemented by new analysis of remote sensing data. The original line features have been modified where necessary for map production at 1:250 000 scale.

This dataset contains the line features of Alberta Geological Survey Map 579, Surficial Geology of the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor, and has been exported in a shapefile format for public distribution.


Hartman, G.M.D. (2016): Surficial geology of the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor (GIS data, line features); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Digital Dataset 2016-0014

Place Keywords
alberta, calgary, canada, lethbridge, southern alberta
Place Keywords NTS
82g, 82h, 82i, 82j, 82o, 82p
Theme Keywords
geology, gis data, glacial geology, quaternary, shapefile, surficial geology