Potentiometric Surface of the Paskapoo / Porcupine Hills Hydrostratigraphic Unit in the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor, Southwestern Alberta (gridded data, ASCII format)

Publication Type
Water Resource
Publication ID
DIG 2016-0021
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2016-0021

This dataset is part of the regional hydrogeological mapping of the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor (CLC) in southern Alberta. It represents the potentiometric surface of the Paskapoo / Porcupine Hills hydrostratigraphic unit (HSU) interpolated from wells in Alberta Environment and Parks' (AEP) Alberta Water Well Information Database (AWWID). The potentiometric surface was mapped at a regional scale using many years of data, thus providing a good indication of regional hydraulic head and flow direction rather than site specific values.

This dataset supplements Alberta Geological Survey Report 91, which includes details on the data processing and potentiometric surface interpolation in the CLC.


Liggett, J.E. (2017): Potentiometric surface of the Paskapoo / Porcupine Hills hydrostratigraphic unit in the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor, Southwestern Alberta (gridded data, ASCII format); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Digital Data 2016-0021.

Place Keywords
alberta, calgary, canada, lethbridge, southern alberta
Place Keywords NTS
82i, 82j, 82o, 82p
Theme Keywords
geology, gis data, groundwater, hydraulic head, hydrogeology, potentiometric surface