Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor Hydrostratigraphic Model - Bedrock Topography, Southwestern Alberta (gridded data, ASCII format)

Publication Type
Geological Framework
Publication ID
DIG 2016-0036
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2016-0036

This grid dataset is part of the 3D hydrostratigraphic model of the Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor (CLC), southwestern Alberta. It represents the structure top of the bedrock topography, which provides a well-constrained unconformity across which Neogene-Quaternary sediments were deposited. This is a significant unconformity surface for shallow modelling studies, as it provides the lowermost surface for modelled Neogene-Quaternary units, and acts as the bounding surface for Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene bedrock strata that Neogene-Quaternary units unconformably overlie.

This dataset supplements Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) Report 91 and INF 150, which include a full description of the process used to produce the bedrock topography grid.


Atkinson, L.A. and Hartman, G.M.D. (2017): Calgary-Lethbridge Corridor hydrostratigraphic model - bedrock topography, Southwestern Alberta (gridded data, ASCII format); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Digital Data 2016-0036.

Place Keywords
alberta, calgary, canada, lethbridge, southern alberta
Place Keywords NTS
82g, 82h, 82i, 82j, 82o, 82p
Theme Keywords
3d models, aquifers, boreholes, buried valleys, geology, gis data, hydrogeology, hydrostratigraphy, preglacial drainage, preglacial topography, thalwegs