West-Central Alberta Regional Stratigraphic Model - Top of Stratigraphic Unit 3 Within the Paleogene-Quaternary Succession (gridded data, ASCII format)

Publication Type
Geological Framework, Surficial Geology
Publication ID
DIG 2017-0011
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2017-0011

This dataset is part of the 3D stratigraphic model of Paleogene-Quaternary sediments in west-central Alberta (WCAB). It represents the modelled top of the informal stratigraphic unit (SU) 3, which contains sand and/or gravel resting on the floors of bedrock valleys in WCAB.

This dataset supplements Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) Report 93, which includes a full description of steps taken to produce the modelled grid.


Atkinson, L.A. and Hartman, G.M.D. (2017): West-central Alberta regional stratigraphic model - top of stratigraphic unit 3 within the Paleogene-Quaternary succession (gridded data, ASCII format); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Digital Data 2017-0011.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, edson, fox creek, hinton, west central alberta, whitecourt
Place Keywords NTS
83e, 83f, 83g, 83j, 83k, 83l
Theme Keywords
3d models, bedrock topography, boreholes, data, geology, gis data, glacial deposits, gravel, hydrostratigraphy, outcrop, paleogene, surficial geology