This dataset consists of 7 STL-format files representing select geological intervals in southeastern Alberta. The zip file also includes a PDF document explaining the model and containing metadata about the printed version. The model vertical exaggeration is 50 times and the actual geospatial representation encompasses an area of approximately 300 km x 300 km to a depth of 3.5 km.
In 2017, a high-resolution 43-layer 3D geological model was created in Petrel software representing a portion of the subsurface geology in southeastern Alberta. The model was built to support a scientific study examining closure strategies for wells producing from the Medicine Hat and Alderson (Milk River) gas zones in the Southeast Alberta Management Unit (AER Commingling Order 7490). The high-resolution model was converted to a simplified 7-layer model. The layers were then exported to STL-format files for 3D printing.
Babakhani, M., Mckay, K. and Warren, J.E. (2019): Southeastern Alberta 3D geological model: 3D print files (digital data, STL format); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2019-0003.