Annotated Core Descriptions and Geophysical Logs from the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands Areas, Alberta (digital data, various formats)

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
DIG 2020-0003
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2020-0003

This digital data release is a collection of annotated core descriptions and geophysical logs from the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands areas in Alberta completed by Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) geologists and contractors from the early 1990s to the late 2000s. The descriptions and interpretations of these logs contributed to several AGS reports, most notably i) Special Report 13: A Comprehensive Field Guide for Facies Characterization of the Athabasca Oil Sands, and ii) Earth Sciences Report 2000-07: An Atlas of Lithofacies of the McMurray Formation, Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit.

The dataset consists of an index of cored wells linked to the individual annotated logs and core descriptions which are provided as raster images in PDF format.


Hein, F.J., Cotterill, D.K., Rice, R.J., Berhane, H., Strobl, R., Wightman, D., Attalla, M. and Duggan, J. (2020): Annotated core descriptions and geophysical logs from the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands areas, Alberta (digital data, various formats); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2020-0003.

Place Keywords
athabasca oil sands area, cold lake oil sands area, alberta, canada
Theme Keywords
core, facies analysis, geology, geophysical logs, log, oil sands