This dataset is part of the regional hydrogeological characterization of the Upper Cretaceous–Quaternary units in the Fox Creek area of west-central Alberta. It represents the potentiometric surface of the uppermost bedrock units in the study area, including the Wapiti, Battle, Scollard, and Paskapoo formations interpolated from wells in Alberta Environment and Parks' (AEP) Alberta Water Well Information Database (AWWID) and elevations of several rivers within the study area that have incised the uppermost bedrock units. The potentiometric surface was mapped at a regional scale using many years of data, thus providing a good indication of regional hydraulic head and flow direction rather than site specific values.
Hughes, A.T., Klassen, J., and Smerdon, B.D. (2020): Potentiometric surface of the Upper Cretaceous units in the Fox Creek area, west-central Alberta (gridded data, ASCII format); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2020-0004.