Geochemical and Isotopic Data for the Upper Cretaceous–Quaternary Units in the Fox Creek Area, West-Central Alberta (tabular data, tab-delimited format)

Publication Type
Water Resource
Publication ID
DIG 2020-0007
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2020-0007

This dataset is part of the regional hydrogeological characterization of the Upper Cretaceous–Quaternary units in the Fox Creek area of west-central Alberta. It contains the results of geochemical and isotopic analyses of water samples from four groundwater wells and three rivers located in the study area.



Klassen, J. and Smerdon, B.D. (2020): Geochemical and isotopic data for the Upper Cretaceous–Quaternary units in the Fox Creek area, west-central Alberta (tabular data, tab-delimited format)); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2020-0007.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, edson, fox creek, hinton, west central alberta, whitecourt
Theme Keywords
geochemistry, groundwater, groundwater chemistry, groundwater quality, hydrogeology, isotopes, tabular data, upper cretaceous, water chemistry