This digital data release comprises regional lithostratigraphic picks and evaporite mineral interval data for the Elk Point Group in Alberta. The lithostratigraphic picks were made on wireline logs and represent the formation-, member-, unit-, and marker-bed-level stratigraphy of Alberta’s Elk Point Group, including: 1) the base of the Elk Point Group comprised by the eroded tops of the Cambrian and Ordovician systems in southern and central Alberta (sub-Devonian unconformity), as well as the top of the Granite Wash lithosome on and adjacent to the Peace River Arch in west-central Alberta, 2) the La Loche Formation, 3) the Lotsberg Formation, including the basal red beds, the lower Lotsberg halite, the middle red beds, and the upper Lotsberg halite units, and the L1, L2, and L3 marker beds from the lower and upper Lotsberg halite units, 4) the Ernestina Lake Formation, 5) the Cold Lake Formation, 6) the Contact Rapids and equivalent Chinchaga Formation, 7) the Keg River and equivalent Winnipegosis Formation, 8) the Prairie Evaporite and equivalent Muskeg and Eyot formations, including the Prairie laminites unit, the Whitkow and Telegraph members, the Shell Lake Member, the White Bear and Conklin marker beds, the Leofnard Member, the Black Creek Member, the Muskeg lower anhydrite unit, the Zama Member, and the remnant Prairie Evaporite collapse breccia, 9) the Sulphur Point Formation, 10) the Dawson Bay Formation, and 11) the Watt Mountain Formation. The dataset also includes picks of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity where it intersects strata of the Elk Point Group. Where any difference occurs, these stratigraphic picks should supersede those in equivalent wells in AER/AGS Digital Data 2017-0027.
The evaporite interval dataset was made using wireline logs and defines the top and base of evaporite minerals in the Lotsberg, Cold Lake, and Prairie Evaporite-Muskeg-Eyot formations, and includes: 1) halite in the lower Lotsberg unit, 2) halite in the upper Lotsberg unit, 3) halite in the Cold Lake Formation, 4) halite in the Whitkow and Telegraph members of the Prairie Evaporite and Muskeg formations, 5) halite in the upper Prairie Evaporite and Muskeg formations, 7) anhydrite in the Prairie Evaporite, Muskeg and Eyot formations, 8) undifferentiated halite in the Prairie Evaporite Formation within and east of the Prairie Evaporite halite dissolution scarp in northeastern Alberta, and 9) gypsum (gypsified anhydrite) within the zone of remaining sulphates in the Prairie Evaporite Formation predominantly east of the Prairie Evaporite halite dissolution scarp.
Hauck, T.E. (2020): Stratigraphic Picks and Evaporite Mineral Intervals for the Elk Point Group in Alberta (tabular data, tab-delimited format); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2020-0008.