Publication Type
Geothermal Energy
Publication ID
DIG 2024-0021
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2024-0021
This gridded dataset represents the modelled distribution of temperature at the base of the Granite Wash in Alberta. The temperature distribution was extracted from a published 3D temperature model available as AGS Digital Data 2021-0030. Information about the methodology used to create this model is provided in AGS Open File Report 2021-05.
This digital data product is part of the Geothermal Atlas of Alberta, developed under the Mineral Grant provided by the Government of Alberta.
Onojeghuo, A. and Nakevska, N (2024): Distribution of temperature at the base of the Granite Wash in Alberta (gridded data, GeoTIFF format); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2024-0021.
Place Keywords
alberta, canada
Place Keywords NTS
83j, 83k, 83l, 83m, 83n, 83o, 84b, 84c, 84d, 84e, 84f, 84g, 84j, 84k, 84l
Theme Keywords
atlas, base, devonian, geology, geothermal, granite wash, temperature