More than 860 formation waters from Alberta were analyzed for bromide, iodide, and boron. Bromide contents up to 2786 mg/L were found in high calcium and magnesium brines associated with evaporites in the Upper Devonian Beaverhill Lake Formation and Middle Devonian Elk Point Group. The most extensive regions of high-iodide formation waters are in the Cretaceous Viking, Bow Island, and basal Belly River formations, with iodide contents generally in the range of 40 to 50 mg/L but reported up to 80 mg/L. Isolated occurrences of formation waters with iodide contents in the range of 47 to 59 mg/L were found in the Lower Jurassic Nordegg Member equivalent and Pennsylvanian-Permian strata, and are possibly geochemically and genetically associated with phosphate rocks. Boron contents up to 920 mg/L have been found in Alberta formation waters, possibly the highest concentration in any subsurface water.
Hitchon, B., Levinson, A.A. and Horn, M.K. (1977): Bromide, iodide and boron in Alberta formation waters; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Economic Geology Report 5, 27 p.