Many geographical areas and geological formations were missed when the ceramic suitability of materials was studied early this century. This study provides new data on the ceramic properties of nearly every geological formation in Alberta with ceramic potential and brings together all previously published data in a consistent format. Geological formations that are useful for the production of structural clay products or pottery are Pleistocene glaciolacustrine sediments, Ravenscrag, Scollard, Eastend, Judith River, Belly River and Kaskapau formations and McMurray Formation basal clays. Units, or selected material from the units, that need more testing to confirm use for the production of structural clay products or pottery are the Brazeau, Paskapoo, Frenchman, St. Mary River, Whitemud, Bearpaw, Cardium, Blackstone and Dunvegan formations and Ft. St. John, Luscar and Kootenay groups. The Porcupine Hills, Horseshoe Canyon, Lea Park and Kaskapau formations could be used for production of expanded aggregate. Further testing of the Paskapoo and Dunvegan formations also is suggested for this use. Selected materials in the Whitemud Formation and McMurray Formation basal clays may be useful for low heat duty refractories. Shales of the Battle Formation can be used in the production of low alkali cement. Units considered to have no ceramic value are Recent fine-grained sediments, Wapiti and Blairmore groups, Willow Creek, Pakowki, Wapiabi, Shaftesbury, Clearwater, Fernie, Siyeh and Grinnell formations.
Scafe, D.W. (1991): The ceramic potential of Alberta clays and shales; Alberta Energy, AE/AGS Economic Geology Report 7, 145 p.