The number requests received at the Research Council of Alberta for information about the Athabasca oil sands has indicated that a need exists for a compilation of all the literature references relevant to this vast, potentially economic reserve of petroleum. A bibliography of the oil sands of Alberta has been compiled over the past five years; its accuracy has been established by continual use in card index form and it is now (1962) felt that as a Preliminary Report it will fulfill a need of the oil industry and at the same time will permit revisions and additions to be incorporated in future editions.
This report has two parts; in Part I all the citations were listed alphabetically under the author�s name with full title and publication data; in Part II the same publications were grouped under thirteen subject headings. Each of the thirteen sections of Part II is completely self-contained.
Carrigy, M.A. (1962): Bibliography of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1962-07, 72 p.