The bibliography of the Athabasca Oil Sands published in 1962 as Preliminary Report 62-7 is now out of print. Since its publication so much new work has been published on the oil sands that it seemed desirable to revise the whole report rather than issue a supplement to the 1962 bibliography. The major events contributing to the large increase in volume of literature in such a short time were the filing of applications by several oil companies to the Oil and Gas conservation Board for permits to develop the oil sands commercially and the Second Athabasca Oil Sands Conference which was held in Edmonton on October 30th and 31st, 1963. Also, in 1964 permission was granted to Great Canadian Oil Sands Limited to produce 45,000 barrels of oil per day from Lease 4 at Mildred Lake using a hot-water process. Work at the site is progressing rapidly and the plant is expected to be completed by 1967. This report has two parts; in Part I all of the citations are listed alphabetically under the author's name with full title and publication data; in Part II the same publications are grouped under thirteen subject headings.
Carrigy, M.A. comp. (1965): Athabasca Oil Sands bibliography (1789-1964); Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1965-03, 95 p.