Coal Survey Boreholes, Vulcan-Gleichen Area, Alberta

Publication Type
Earth Sciences Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
ESR 1967-03
Publication ID Extended
Earth Sciences Report 1967-03

When the results of the Research Council of Alberta coal survey project in the Vulcan-Gleichen area were published (R.C.A. Report 64-2), it was thought adequate to include complete logs only of the 40 boreholes that intercepted coal seams 1 foot or more in thickness; locations of the remaining 160 boreholes were only briefly noted.

However, the number of inquiries for information contained in the unpublished logs, chiefly from parties interested in other subsurface occurrences than coal, make it advisable now to publish the logs in their entirety.

This report, which is to be considered an addendum to the original Vulcan Gleichen report (R.C.A. Report 64-2) consists of complete logs of all 200 boreholes drilled by the Research Council of Alberta coal survey in the 1961 field season, presented in order of the Alberta land survey system; together with a map of the Vulcan-Gleichen area showing location of the boreholes. It should be noted that 28 of the 196 R.C.A. Boreholes were drilled on lands of the Blackfoot Indian band at Gleichen, whose permission to explore is gratefully acknowledged.


Campbell, J.D. (1967): Coal survey boreholes, Vulcan-Gleichen area, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1967-03, 42 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, gleichen, vulcan
Place Keywords NTS
82h, 82i
Theme Keywords
boreholes, coal, coal seams, gravel