Eighteen samples of quartzose sand were collected from dune deposits near Edmonton. In order to determine their suitability for glass manufacture the samples were screened, washed, and analyzed for silica, iron, calcium and magnesium.
Preliminary analyses indicated that 5 of the 18 samples merited further treatment involving heavy liquid separation, magnetic separation, and acid leaching to determine the lower limits of iron removal. The test results suggest that simple washing and screening treatments will upgrade approximately 50 per cent of the sand to meet the specifications of sand used in the manufacture of fiberglass, green and amber containers, and possibly some types of window glass. The limits of silica and iron contents after liquid separation, magnetic separation, and acid leaching appear to be 95-96 per cent silica (SiO2), 2-3 per cent alumina (Al2O3) and 0.15-0.20 per cent iron (Fe203). This iron content is too high for good quality plate and sheet glass manufacture.
Carrigy, M.A. (1970): Silica sand in the vicinity of Edmonton, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1970-01, 35 p.