Publication Type
Earth Sciences Report
Water Resource
Publication ID
ESR 1972-03
Publication ID Extended
Earth Sciences Report 1972-03
The Mount Watt area is largely unsettled and access is poor. The few existing water wells are usually hand dug and shallow. Hydrogeological evaluation is based on existing well data, limited test drilling, field observations of groundwater features, and on inferences made from the geologic and topographic situation.
Much of the area is of low relief underlain by shales, clays and tills of low permeability. Movement of groundwater is consequently slow, well yields very low, and water quality very poor. The highest well yields and best quality water are to be expected in surficial sands and gravels.
Tokarsky, O. (1972): Hydrogeology of the Mount Watt area, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1972-03, 13 p.
Place Keywords
alberta, caribou mountains, fort vermilion, mount watt
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
alluvial gravel, buried valleys, drainage, groundwater, hydrochemistry, hydrogeology, hydrology, topography