As an aid to planning urban development, a detailed soil survey was carried out in 1970 on 260 acres of the Mill Woods subdivision, City of Edmonton. Four soil associations - Ellerslie, Mill Woods, Argyll and Hercules - were distinguished; these are Chernozemic, Solonetzic, Alkaline Solonetz and Humic Gleysol soils, respectively. Ellerslie associated soils are a good top soil source and will support plant growth well. Argyll association soils have poor surface drainage, and, being saline, are not well suited to lawn establishment; they also have poor trafficability. The Mill Woods association soils are intermediate between Ellerslie and Argyll associations, Hercules association soils are poorly drained and may be saline; their potential is poor.
A major concern is potential corrosion of concrete structures: highest potential is in Argyll and Hercules soils and least in Ellerslie soils. Precautions can be taken to prevent corrosion.
Lindsay, J.D. and Scheelar, M.D. (1972): Soil survey for urban development, Edmonton, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1972-07, 25 p.