The hydrogeological map of the uppermost 1000 feet (about 300 m) of strata in the Wabamun Lake area is described. The maps and profiles were constructed from existing data and from data collected by a field survey and drilling operations. Good aquifers are not deeper than 500 feet (about 150 m). The 20-year safe yields range from less than 1 igpm (about 5 l/ min) to more than 500 igpm (about 2250 l/min). The best aquifers are Paskapoo sandstones and Quaternary sands and gravels .
Water quality is good. The total dissolved solids are usually less than 1000 ppm. The chemical character of the water is Ca+Mg/HCO3 or Na/HCO3. Undesirably high SO4, Cl or Fe contents were found only at isolated locations.
Ozoray, G.F. (1972): Hydrogeology of the Wabamun Lake area, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1972-08, 21 p.