The hydrogeology of the uppermost 1000 feet (about 300m) of strata in the Waterways and Winefred Lake areas is described. Maps and profiles were constructed from limited existing data and from data collected by field survey and drilling operations. The 20-year safe yields are mostly over 5 igpm (about 25 l/min), reaching 25-100 igpm (about 100-450 l/min) for over half of the map area. These yields are available within 500 feet (150 m) of the surface.
A practical limiting factor on groundwater use is quality, as deeper groundwater is saline. In many places saline water discharges to the surface.
A semi diffuse groundwater discharge feature (quasi-spring) describes sources of creeks at definite spring like points in groundwater fed muskegs. The quasi-springs are climatically and topographically controlled discharge features of climafrost zones. Widespread muskeg development exists in the area and degeneration of the groundwater flow systems is noted.
Ozoray, G.F. (1974): Hydrogeology of the Waterways-Winefred Lake area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1974-02, 21 p.