Hydrogeology of the Foremost Area, Alberta

Publication Type
Earth Sciences Report
Water Resource
Publication ID
ESR 1974-04
Publication ID Extended
Earth Sciences Report 1974-04

In the western half of the map area, sandstone of the lower member of the Milk River Formation (hereafter referred to as the lower Milk River sandstone) is the main aquifer; in the eastern half permeable lenses in the drift are the main sources of groundwater. Yields range from 5 to 500 igpm (0.38 to 38 l/s) in the lower Milk River sandstone and from 5 to 100 igpm (0.38 to 7.6 l/s) in the drift. Higher yields are more common in the lower Milk River sandstone than in the drift.

Total dissolved solids are usually over 1000 ppm in waters from both aquifers. The Milk River sandstone waters are mostly sodium bicarbonate type, with a northern area of sodium carbonate (corresponding to a change in lithology and depth) as well as sodium bicarbonate and chloride waters. nitrates do not seem to be significant in either of these two areas. Fluorides are generally high in the Milk River sandstone waters.


Borneuf, D.M. (1976): Hydrogeology of the Foremost area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1974-04, 28 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, foremost
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
drainage, drift water, groundwater, groundwater yield, hydrochemistry, hydrogeology, test drilling, topography